Listing Standards and Requirements
At Gold Coast XP, we want to offer our guests the best possible travel experiences, and our partners the best possible hosting opportunities. That’s why we have some standards and requirements for all listings on our platform.
Before any listing is published on Gold Coast XP, it is reviewed based on the criteria below and it must continue upholding these standards to remain active on our platform. If a listing doesn’t meet these requirements, the listing or associated account may be restricted, suspended, or removed from our platform.
Table Of Content
Listing Page Requirements
The listing page is where you showcase your experience to potential guests. It should be clear, complete, and accurate. Guests should know exactly what to expect upon booking the experience. This applies to all experience details, including:
- What guests will be doing
- Meeting address and instructions for meeting up with the host
- What’s included in the price (ex: what the host is providing for guests)
- What guests need to bring with them (ex: extra cash to buy food that’s not included)
- The time and date of the experience
No “Open-Ended” Itineraries
Each experience must have a clear, pre-defined itinerary—we can’t accept “open-ended” plans where guests are asked to define an experience’s itinerary or choose activities or locations. Minor variations are okay.
For example:
Allowed | Not Allowed |
“My baking experience is different based on the day of the week. On Mondays, we bake bread, and on Tuesdays, we bake cookies.” | “I’ll meet guests for coffee and then we’ll see where the afternoon takes us!” |
“We’ll visit galleries of upcoming artists. Each afternoon, I’ll choose a different artist depending on the artists generating the most interest at the time.” This is OK because the main activity—gallery tours— remains the same. | “During the tour, guests can choose from among several different activities, including rafting or visiting the temples, or many others.” |
Use Clear, Crisp, High-Quality Photos
A high-quality photo is one that shows your product in its true colours, details, and dimensions. It should be sharp, well-lit, and well-focused. It should not be blurry, grainy, or distorted. It should not have any unwanted reflections, shadows, or glare. It should not have filters, stickers, or text overlays that could alter or obscure the product. A high-quality photo will help your guests see your product as it is and make an informed decision to book it.
Listing Acceptance Criteria
For a new listing to be published on Gold Coast XP, it must:
- Be a tour, activity, event, place or stay
- Be legal, ethical and safe for both travellers and hosts
- Not involve any illegal, dangerous or unethical activities
- Not involve discrimination, harassment or hate speech
- Not involve religious or political propaganda
- Not infringe on any intellectual property rights
- Comply with Gold Coast XP’s Terms of Service
Listings that do not meet these basic criteria will be rejected or removed from the platform.
Listing Quality Standards
In addition to meeting the Acceptance Criteria above, we recommend listings follow these best practices:
1. Have an Appealing Title and Description
- Use a clear, catchy title that describes the experience
- Write a detailed description covering the following:
- The activities and highlights
- The location(s)
- What’s included and excluded
- Requirements and recommendations for travellers
- Additional important information
2. Include High-Quality Photos
- Have at least 10 bright, clear photos showcasing the experience
- Photos should follow our Photo Guidelines
- Do not use watermarked or logoed photos
3. Price Competitively
- Price based on value, quality, demand, seasonality, and costs
- Offer group and duration discounts when possible
4. Offer Flexible Availability
- Regularly update the calendar to match traveller demand
- Avoid overbooking
- Offer different time slots or dates if possible
5. Maintain High Ratings and Reviews
- Aim for an average rating of at least 4.5 stars
- Respond to reviews promptly and professionally
- Encourage travellers to leave reviews
6. Minimize Cancellations
- Avoid cancelling whenever possible
- Communicate clearly and timely if issues arise
- Follow the cancellation and refund policy
Listings rated Good or Excellent on these standards will remain active on Gold Coast XP. Listings rated below Good will be suspended or removed.
Partner Standards
As a partner, you are responsible for providing a high-quality hosting experience to your guests. Here are some of the standards you need to follow as a partner:
- Honour all booked reservations – You must honour your reservations unless you must cancel due to a valid extenuating circumstance, safety concerns, or dangerous weather conditions. Learn more about our [Experiences Host Cancellation policy].
- Receive positive feedback from guests – Guests like to know they can expect a consistent level of quality, no matter where they book. Experiences must maintain a high overall rating and avoid too many low review ratings (1-3 stars) from guests. Partners with too many low ratings or guest-reported issues may have their listings suspended and/or removed from Gold Coast XP.
- Be responsive and communicative – You should respond to guest inquiries and bookings in a timely manner and provide clear and accurate information about your experience. You should also communicate with your guests before, during, and after the experience to ensure they have a smooth and enjoyable experience.
- Be respectful and inclusive – You should treat your guests with respect and courtesy, and avoid any discriminatory or offensive behaviour or language. You should also respect the local laws, culture, and customs of the place where you host your experience.
- Be honest and transparent – You should not misrepresent yourself, your experience, or your credentials. You should disclose any potential risks, safety issues, or special requirements associated with your experience. You should also honour any commitments or promises you make to your guests.
What We Don’t Allow on Experiences
There are some things that are not allowed on Gold Coast XP experiences. These include:
- Payments outside of Gold Coast XP’s system – Experience partners may not solicit an online or offline payment from guests in violation of Gold Coast XP’s [offsite payment policy].
- Experiences that cross country borders – Experiences must take place in a single country. Experiences that include crossing a country border are not permitted.
- Illegal or harmful activities – You may not host or promote any activities that are illegal, dangerous, or harmful to yourself, your guests, or others. This includes activities that involve violence, drugs, weapons, or illegal substances.
- Inappropriate or offensive content – You may not use any inappropriate or offensive content on your listing page or during your experience. This includes content that is sexually explicit, violent, hateful, or discriminatory.
- Spam or solicitation – You may not use your listing page or your experience to spam or solicit your guests for any other products, services, or causes. You may not use any automated or deceptive methods to increase your views, ratings, or bookings.
If you have any questions or feedback about these standards and requirements, please contact us at [email protected]. We’re always happy to hear from you and help you create amazing experiences for our guests.